Olympus Labs ASSASS1NATE 120caps


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Olympus Labs Assass1nate 120caps

The vast majority of fat burners available contain substances with strong stimulant properties in them. However, this may not be to everyone’s liking. After all, plenty of people use other supplements (e.g., pre-workouts) with similar effects. That’s why for a long time, it was hard to find any fat burner that wouldn’t interact with other stimulants.

However, this has changed with the appearance of a unique formulation from Olympus Labs. Assass1nate is a fat burner with a very comprehensive action and, at the same time, a product free of any stimulants. Its composition is based on substances that facilitate fat burning and suppress the feeling of hunger. This makes it easier to maintain a proper calorie balance in your daily diet.

Olympus Labs Assass1nate burner contains:

– Sweet howenia seed extract – The seeds of the Japanese raisin tree, also known as sweet howenia, have exciting properties. First of all, they are a great source of dihydromyricetin, a natural flavonoid. As research has shown, DHM has a very positive effect on the liver and metabolic processes. Therefore, it will be a valuable ingredient for all people fighting the battle with excess weight. Notably, the described seed extract is standardized to 90% dihydromyricetin

.– Rosehip extract – rosehips contain a true wealth of vitamin C. However, this is not their only asset. You can also find it in the so-called trans-tiliroside, which is a naturally active substance. It has a unique ability to reduce high blood sugar levels. In addition, trans-tiliroside also has a positive effect on lipid metabolism. A compound with such properties could not be absent from the supplement!

– Rosemary leaf extract – Rosemary is not only a very aromatic spice but also a plant with proven therapeutic potential. Rosemary leaves contain large amounts of carnosic acid. This substance prevents lipid oxidation, which can be a factor in diabetes, atherosclerosis, and metabolic diseases. Olympus Labs uses carefully selected rosemary varieties whose leaves contain up to 20% carnosic acid.

– Orthosiphon leaf extract – a small shrub known as the “cat’s whisker” has long attracted the attention of researchers. All thanks to the fact that orthosiphon leaves contain a high concentration of ethanol compounds. Their action can clearly increase the efficiency of fat burning. What is more, some reports speak of a correlation between the intake of these compounds and… a perceived improvement in memory!

– Oleoyl ethanolamide (OAE) – Oleoyl ethanolamide is one of the naturally occurring lipids. Nevertheless, studies have shown that external intake of OAE can be very beneficial. This is because this compound leads to hypophagia, a state of reduced appetite. This, in turn, causes a decrease in appetite and a reduction in calorie intake. The use of OAE is therefore beneficial during weight reduction.

– Olive Leaf Extract – Olive oil is the primary type of fat in modern gastronomy. It is considered a very healthy fat, which is due in part to its high hydroxytyrosol content. This antioxidant has an exciting property. According to scientists, it can lower the level of bad cholesterol and reduce other adverse effects of consuming fats of animal origin.

– Lutein (standardized extract containing 20% pure lutein) – lutein is a derivative of beta-carotene, which acts as a natural pigment with a solid yellow color. In the human body, lutein is found primarily in fat cells. However, recent studies have shown that lutein supplementation can increase the amount of energy used at the cellular level. This, in turn, improves our overall metabolism and consequently speeds up weight loss!


The daily dose of Assass1nate recommended by the manufacturer is 4 capsules. This dose can be divided into 2 portions of 2 capsules or 4 single portions. The capsules should be taken immediately before a meal!