Hi-Tech HTP Superdrol 42 Tabs- Non-Steroidal Muscle Enhancers


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Superdrol from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is a powerful anabolic preparation containing prohormones supporting the body’s anabolic processes, reducing myostatin’s effect and blocking muscle mass development. Also, the practice reduces stress and significantly improves libido.

4 -Androstene-3b-ol, 17-one- is a steroid structurally similar to 5-DHEA. The double bond location distinguishes it from 5 and 6 carbon, only 4 and 5 with sterane carbon. 4 androstene-3b-ol, 17-one works indirectly and directly through its derivatives. 4-AD in the presence of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (3b-HSD) and 17β-hydroxysteroid (17b-HSD) is transformed into androstenedione androstenediol and finally to testosterone. The compound does not aromatize to estrogens and, compared to 5-DHEA, has less ability to activate estrogen receptors. The preparation is ideal for a mass cycle, building dense and specific muscle mass. It promotes testosterone production, supports the renewal of muscle tissue, and effectively increases strength and endurance.

1-Androsterone- is an androgenic sex hormone. It is an unmethylated anabolic compound designed to help the user improve strength, gain dry matter, and, above all, burn fat. 1-Androsterone is an unmethylated compound whose primary metabolite is 1-androstenedione (1-AD). The nomenclature for 1-Andro is 1-androstene 3b-ol, 17-one. 1-Andro is not transformed into testosterone or estrogen, but in fact, it turns into 1-testosterone. This means estrogen-related side effects should not occur, so you can expect increased body weight and body fat loss. Since 1-AD is not transformed into estrogen and has anti-estrogenic activity, it is a valuable compound for the reduction cycle because it helps lose fat. Due to the lack of water retention in the body, the increments will not be violent, stable, and very easy to maintain during and after the cycle. Products from 1-Androsterone are great for combining with other prohormones and sarmas. The side effects of using 1-Androsterone are minimal, if at all, because this compound is not methylated. This compound’s non-methylated nature means it is not toxic to the liver. Estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia are also absent.

Androstenolone – in the human body is a natural steroid hormone produced by the adrenal layer of the adrenal cortex from cholesterol. Because it resembles testosterone and estradiol, it can easily be converted to one of them. It is believed that its production peaks at about 35 years of age and then falls, reaching trace amounts in the elderly. It has been observed that people suffering from cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and depression have a lowering of DHEA production. It helps increase steroid hormones such as testosterone, translating into increased muscle strength and improved athletic performance.

The extract from the Ajuga turkestanica– the plant is a Turkestan source – is a steroid compound from the group of ecdysteroids. It works in the body by reducing glucose levels in the blood, reducing body fat, and supporting the system’s functioning urinary, nervous, and immune.

Chlorogenic– (3b, 5a, 6a, 25R) -Spirostane-3,6-diol compound classified as a sapogenin. Combining with androgen receptors enhances the synthesis of muscle and bone structures. It exhibits anabolic effects without side effects. It eliminates the effects of cortisol, promotes glucose transport to the muscles, reduces the amount of stored adipose tissue, and improves mood.


One tablet in the morning and 1 in the evening


Using Superdrol from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, a potent anabolic preparation, requires careful planning around cycle duration, dosing, post-cycle therapy (PCT), and on-cycle support to ensure effectiveness while minimizing potential side effects. Here’s a guideline:

Cycle Duration and Dosing:

Duration: A typical cycle with Superdrol might last 4-6 weeks. This timeframe helps maximize gains while reducing the risk of adverse effects.

Dosing: The recommended dosage is one tablet in the morning and one in the evening. Following this guideline is crucial to avoid overexposure and potential liver stress.

Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT):

Necessity: After completing a Superdrol cycle, PCT is essential to help restore the body’s natural hormonal balance. This involves using supplements that boost natural testosterone production and maintain muscle gains.

Components: PCT might include natural testosterone boosters (e.g., D-aspartic acid, Tribulus Terrestris), anti-estrogen supplements if necessary (to prevent estrogen rebound effects), and cortisol blockers to aid recovery and preserve muscle mass.

On-Cycle Support:

Liver Protection: Given Superdrol’s potency, on-cycle support for liver health is crucial. Supplements like tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) or milk thistle are recommended to support liver function.

Cardiovascular Support: Including omega-3 fatty acids can aid in maintaining cardiovascular health due to the potential cholesterol-modifying effects of prohormones.

Duration of Off-Cycle:

Period: After completing the PCT, it’s advisable to have an off-cycle period equal to or longer than the on-cycle period. This allows the body to recover fully and ensures hormonal levels and liver enzymes return to normal ranges.

Monitoring and Adjustments:

Health Monitoring: Regular monitoring through blood tests before, during, and after the cycle is crucial for tracking the supplement’s impact and making necessary adjustments based on health markers.

Adjustments: If adverse effects are experienced, be prepared to adjust or stop the supplement usage and consult a healthcare professional.

Additional Considerations:

Hydration and Nutrition: Maintaining adequate hydration and a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins supports the overall effectiveness of the cycle and promotes health.

Consultation: It is essential to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen, especially one involving potent compounds like Superdrol, to ensure it aligns with your health status and goals.

Responsible usage, including adherence to recommended cycles, dosages, and supportive measures, is critical to achieving desired outcomes while minimizing potential risks.